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Conic Rounder
Technical Information

Manufactured for high capacity bakeries and for dough types that need to rounded longer distance. You get the perfect round with its 4,5 mt track. All the tracks can be adjusted with a wheel in the center. As a consequence doughs from lOOgr to l.OOOgr can be rounded easily. Flour duster system is designed to work silently. Flour quantity is adjustable.

Electric Power : kw 1,7
Rounding Range : gr 100-1.000
Capacity : Pcs 4.000
Width : mm 1.245
Length : mm 1.180
Heigth : mm 1.545
Dough Exit Height(max) : mm 950
Weigth of Machine : kg 460
I - 1 to 4, 1st Floor, Plot no. 20,
      Hansraj Damodar Wadi,
      Off Kennedy Bridge, Opera House,
      Mumbai - 400 004. Maharashtra.
+9122 3179 3785 / +91 98200 80641
Copy Right @ APPLE Machinery 2018